
Friday, May 20, 2011

All Hail the Queen...

Last weekend I spent a good part of the day with a very old, large and regal Queen.   

The part that I am leaving out is that I also spent the day with a beautiful bride, a handsome groom, a very talented photographer and quite a few tourists...  

If you have not figured it out yet, I second shot a very a very small, intimate wedding at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA.  

What an amazing day and what an amazing couple!  Trevor and Kathy flew all the way to Long Beach from Great Britain (aka: England :) just to get married on this amazing ship!  The came all by themselves and aside from their main photographer (the amazing Julie Horn), myself and the ship Captain and wedding coordinator, they got married by themselves too!  

Having studied abroad in England and spending several months traveling there, I love all things British and also happen to find the notion of eloping sooo romantic. The notion of eloping across the Atlantic, however,  is waaayyy cooler and much more mysterious!  

Trevor (also know that day by some as Richard) and Katherine (Kathy) were a really fun couple and we laughed our way thorough the 6 hours we spent together. They have been together for 20 years (THAT is a patient woman) and seemed as much in love as they were in the was a very special day. They will be celebrating with family and friends at a lovely reception upon their return to England next week and I wish I could be there...if Trevor and Kathy are this much fun with just 2 photographers, can you imagine how much fun their party will be? 

Thanks again to Julie Horn Photography for inviting me to shoot this wedding and to the Queen Mary for welcoming us with open arms (and a VERY loud horn). Please go visit Julie on her website sometime.  She does beautiful work and is such a nice person!

 Enjoy the wonderful memories and congratulations to Trevor and Kathy!  

You two are spot on magnificent!


  1. Michele,

    Beautiful photographs. I feel like I know the couple from the personality you captured in the photos. Great work!!!!

    Beth Bingham Georges

  2. What an adorable couple!!! You do awesome work!! Love it.
